Finding Book Reviews for books published in the past
Book reviews written at the time a book was published are an excellent source for contextual research.  To find a book review, it is important to know the author’s full name, title of the book, and the year of the book's publication. Remember that the great majority of books never get reviewed at all. Also, reviews do not always appear the same year that the book was published. You may have to check indexes for a year or two following the publication date. Finally, remember that indexes usually cover certain dates. If your book was written in 1925, for example, you will use an index other than one that covers contemporary novels.   In the Sage Colleges Libraries several sources of historical book reviews are available, including:
Book Review Digest: 1903-1982 Restricted Resource Some full text available
Provides excerpts from and citations to reviews of fiction and non-fiction. Some full-text links available.
JSTOR Language & Literature Restricted Resource Some full text available
This collection spans the literary cultures of many different countries, containing articles in several languages, including Arabic, Italian and German. (dates of coverage vary)
Literary Reference Center Restricted Resource Some full text available
A literary database that combines information from books, monographs, reference works and journals. (dates of coverage vary)
America's Historical Newspapers Restricted Resource Some full text available
A collection of historical New York State newspapers from 1730 to 1913.

Proquest Historical Newspapers (dates range but begin as early as 1764):

You may also wish to consult the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature (1900-1989) which is a print index located in the Shea Learning Center Library.
Subject Librarian
Chris White
Systems Librarian
[email protected]