2024 Dean’s Read: Outcasts United


This year’s Dean’s Read is Outcasts United by Warren St. John. Originally published in 2009, this book is a National Bestseller that tells the true story of Luma Mufleh and her youth soccer team, the Fugees.

Outcasts United is the story of a refugee soccer team, a remarkable woman coach and a small southern town turned upside down by the process of refugee resettlement.
It’s a tale about resilience, the power of one person to make a difference and the daunting challenge of creating community in a place where people seem to have little in common.” (outcastsunited.com)

Click here for list of Dean’s Read events.

Next Dean’s Read Event:

Lunch And Learn: Soccer Coach Round Table. 

Tuesday July 30th at 12 Noon in  KCC 224 on the Albany Campus. 

Soccer Coach Round Table discussion to provide background on coaching soccer, coaching soccer being at the center of Outcasts United. The panel includes Rifat Filkins, Mark Adam, David Adadjo, and Asad Maqsood of the Albany Refugee and Immigran Youth Soccer Program, and Amir Pasic of the RSC Soccer program.

Physical copies of the book are available at both Troy and Albany locations, and we have eBook versions as well! So feel free to stop by at either campus and pick up a copy.