
Table of Contents


All members of The Russell Sage College community are expected to conduct themselves in a way which respects the learning environment.  Thus, Sage has the right to remove any student from a classroom, other academic area, or program at any time if the student’s behavior is contrary to the spirit of learning or hinders the operation of the program in any way.  Violent, disruptive, harassing or intimidating behavior is not tolerated in the classroom or any other place on campus.  Any student whose conduct disrupts a class or other learning environment may be required to leave the premises immediately and subjected to disciplinary and/or legal action.

Building Access

The Russell Sage College (RSC) Libraries are open for use by current students, faculty, and staff.

Alumni may consult our Alumnae Privileges section for further information.

Building Access is restricted to RSC students, staff, faculty, and alumnae with an alumnae card.

Access to the libraries requires a key fob for entry after 5pm and on Weekends. Current RSC community members (including commuters, graduate, and UHA residence students) may obtain a key fob by filling out a request form for key fobs here. Resident students’ key fobs are enabled for the libraries already.

Continuation of all access and use privileges depends on patrons’ compliance with all library policies and procedures, including the Spirit of Learning: Statement on Appropriate Conduct on Campus (see statement above). The following conditions apply to all users:

  • Individuals should be prepared to show proper identification at the Circulation Desk, when requested.
  • All persons, when requested, must be prepared to allow the inspection of any briefcases, knapsacks, or other items large enough to contain library materials.
  • RSC students, faculty and staff have priority for the use of library resources and spaces.
  • Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Smoking, including “vaping” electronic cigarettes, is forbidden in any library building.
  • With the exception of the Poetry Room,  food is permitted in both campus libraries but beverages should be covered.  Library users are expected to dispose of empty bottles/beverage and other food containers in the trash and recycling bins provided throughout the library. Food is not permitted in the Poetry Room on the second floor of the Shea Learning Center on the Troy Campus.
  • Guide dogs are permitted in the library.
  • Compliance with Borrowing Policies is required.
  • Users are expected to be courteous about noise that they generate when meeting in small study groups, conversing with others, or using cell phones.
    • The second floor of the Shea Learning Center is designated as a “Quiet Floor”. In the SCA Library, the Verschoor Room is designated as a quiet study space.
  • Users are expected to leave promptly at closing times and when fire alarms sound.
  • Use of library computers: please refer to our policy page, Computer Use.

Computer Use

Use of computers in The Russell Sage College Libraries is reserved exclusively for members of the Sage community including current students, faculty, staff and alumni who have graduated from the college.

Wi-Fi access: Use of the Sage wi-fi network is available only to current students, faculty and staff. Guests may use the the Sage wi-fi via Sage-Guest.

Alumni: Please consult our Alumni Privileges page regarding computer use in the library.

Public Patrons are restricted from entering the college libraries and/or using library computers.  

For all users of library computers: Library Staff reserve the right to monitor patron computer use and will ask users to leave who are accessing inappropriate material or who are disturbing other Sage community members. To maintain an environment conducive to research and study, Library Staff reserve the right to determine what is considered “inappropriate” use of library computers.


If you have questions about accessing or finding materials please email, phone us, or drop by the circulation desk at either campus. To contact us please visit our contact page.

Eligible Borrowers

All current members of the Sage Community including students, faculty and staff as well as Sage alumni who have graduated from the college are able to borrow materials from the Sage Colleges.  DAP patrons who have registered at cooperating local libraries are also able to borrow materials from the Sage Colleges.  

(Note:  the Sage Libraries are unable to supply interlibrary loan services to alumni, however, alumni are able to obtain this service from their local libraries.)

Books and Media

Login:             Sage Username
Password:     Sage Password

  • Delivery between campuses occurs once daily, Monday-Friday. (There will be no weekend delivery, however, so books requested late on Friday, Saturday or Sunday will not arrive at the opposite campus until the following Monday morning.)
  • You will receive an email once requested materials are available. To ensure that you receive the email, when you place the hold, check the hold messaging option in your account profile in the Sage Koha system.
  • Books will be placed on the hold shelf of the campus you designate when placing the hold. You can place holds on books whether a book is in another location or the regular shelves. This service applies to all Sage Libraries’ materials regardless of campus.

Journal Articles

  • Process of requesting journal articles is the same whether the article is owned by Sage or by another library.
  • Use ILLiad Interlibrary Loan to place a journal article request. We will scan the article and deliver it electronically.

The process of requesting an article is the same whether the article is owned by Sage or by another institution. To access your ILLiad account:

Login:             Sage Username
Password:     Sage Password

If you have forgotten your Sage password, see the Password Reset page.

  • Library staff will retrieve the article from storage, scan the article, post it to the ILLiad Interlibrary Loan server and email you a link to the scanned article.
  • For ILL questions, Email or call our ILL Librarian, Christopher White, [email protected], 244-4521.

Room Reservations

The RSC Libraries encompass two library buildings on two different campuses – Troy and Albany. Both library buildings have meeting and study spaces which are reservable for RSC students, faculty and staff. 

Room Reservations can be made via this page.

Room Reservation Policy:

  • Room use without a reservation is on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Reservations are always given priority.
  • All reservations need to be created with an RSC email address. 
  • Reservation duration: 
  • Students – 2 hours max per day/30 minute intervals. Students may reserve rooms up to a week in advance.  
  • Faculty – Unlimited reservations can be made at any time for teaching classrooms, computer lounges, and meeting spaces (Troy: Basement teaching classroom, Room 201 teaching classroom, Poetry Room. Albany: Verschoor Room, Basement large computer lab, Basement smaller computer lab).
  • If a study room is needed for longer than 2 hours, a second person in the group must reserve the additional time under their name and sage.edu email address.

Please contact the RSC Libraries with any further questions – [email protected] 

Alumnae Privileges


RSC Alumnae are welcome at all times to the RSC Colleges Libraries on both campuses. In order to enter the library, alumni will need to show their Alumnae Card at the front desk. An Alumnae Card is required for using our computers, for borrowing and for use of the library collection. Those who register for an Alumnae Card can access a llimited number of databases off-campus. To request an Alumnae Card, register here.

Computer Usage 

Alumni will be logged onto our library computers by a library staff member. During high traffic days/time (i.e. peak library usage and midterms/finals), alumni may be asked to wait for availability. Please note: access to the campus Wi-Fi network using personal laptops is available only for current Sage students and employees. Alumni will not be able to access our Wi-Fi network.

Database Usage

Alumni who register and receive an Alumni Card can request remote access to a limited number of databases from off-campus. For more information and a list of databases available to alumni, please see our subject guide: Alumnae Access to Library Databases. Database reference assistance is available by appointment.

Group Study Spaces

Group study spaces are reserved at all times for current Sage faculty, staff, and students.

Book Borrowing

The RSC Libraries grants borrowing privileges for our on-site collections to alumnae who have graduated from the college.  An Alumnae Card is required for borrowing. Alumnae Cards may be requested through this online registration form.

Interlibrary Loan

The Sage Library is unable to supply interlibrary loan services to alumni, however, alumni are able to obtain this service from their local libraries.

Guests accompanying Alumni

Alums are welcome to bring family members and friends into the library, although friends and family members will not be able to use computers in the library. We ask that alumni bringing friends/family into the library respect the students studying in the library and keep their noise level to a minimum.

Friends of the Library

The library welcomes suggestions and comments from our alumni.  Please contact the library with comments or suggestions. Additionally, donations to the Friends of the Library fund, which supports special library initiatives, are always welcome!


The Russell Sage College Libraries are committed to respecting the privacy of all users in compliance with federal, state and local laws, including standards established by professional organizations. It is the intention of the Libraries of Russell Sage College to protect the identities of their patrons.   The Libraries will not reveal information sources or services that their patrons consult. This policy applies to all resources regardless of their medium or means of delivery and to all services the Libraries provide.

The following is a list of services the Libraries provide to their patrons. Additionally, a statement is provided on how the Libraries strive to protect their users.

General Statement on Computer Use/Library Website/Internet Access

The Russell Sage College Libraries limit computer use and internet availability only to Russell Sage College community and Sage alumni who have graduated from the college.  The Libraries reserve the right to make exceptions as appropriate.

When a patron visits the Libraries’ web page, the Libraries automatically collect and store the following information:

  • The type of browser, its version and the operating system on which that browser is running
  • The web page from which the user accessed the current web page
  • The date and time of the user’s visit
  • The pages that were visited and the amount of time spent at each page

None of the above-mentioned information is deemed to constitute personal information by the NYS Internet Privacy and Security Act. The information that is automatically collected is used to improve the Libraries’ web site’s content and to help the Libraries understand how users are interacting with its web site. This information is collected for statistical analysis and to determine what information is of most and least interest to our users. The information is not collected for commercial marketing purposes and the Libraries are not authorized to tell or otherwise disclose the information collected for commercial marketing purposes.

Information collected when a transaction is completed

The Libraries encourage, and frequently receive questions over the internet.  The e-mail address and the contents of the message will be collected. The information collected is not limited to text characters and may include audio, video, and graphic information formats included in the message. The e-mail address and the information included in the body of the message will be used to respond to the patron, to address issues, to improve the library web page, or to forward the message to another office for appropriate action. Email addresses are not collected for commercial purposes and the Libraries are not authorized to sell or otherwise disclose e-mail addresses for commercial purposes.

When a patron completes a transaction such as an email or request form, the information is collected by the Libraries (including personal information volunteered by the patron in completing the transaction). The information may be used and disclosed by the Libraries for those purposes that may be reasonably ascertained from the nature and terms of the transaction in which the information was submitted.

The Libraries do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 16 or create profiles of children under the age of 16. Users are cautioned, however, that the collection of personal information submitted in an e-mail will be treated as though it was submitted by an adult, and may, unless exempted from access by federal or state law, be subject to public access.

Disclosure of Information

The collection of information and the disclosure of that information follow the provisions set forth in the NYS Internet Security and Privacy Act. The Libraries will only collect personal information through or disclose personal information collected through the Libraries’ web site if the user has consented to the collection or disclosure of such personal information. The voluntary disclosure of personal information to the Libraries by the user constitutes consent to the collection and disclosure of the information by the Libraries for the purposes for which the user disclosed the information to the Libraries.

However, the Director of Libraries may collect or disclose personal information without consent if the collection or disclosure is: (1) necessary to perform the statutory duties of The Sage Colleges  Libraries, or necessary for the Libraries to operate a program authorized by law, or authorized by state or federal statute or regulation; (2) made pursuant to a court order or by law; (3) for the purpose of validating the identity of the user; or (4) of information to be used solely for statistical purposes that is in a form that cannot be used to identify any particular person.

Further, the disclosure of information, including personal information, collected through this web site conforms to the provisions of the NYS Freedom of Information Law and the NYS Personal Privacy Protection Law.

The Libraries may disclose personal information to federal or state law enforcement authorities to enforce its rights against unauthorized access or attempted unauthorized access to the Libraries information technology assets.

Retention of Information Collected

In general, the internet service logs of the Libraries, comprising electronic files or automated logs created to monitor access and use of information services provided, are retained for 90 days and then destroyed. Occasionally, logs are retained longer for troubleshooting purposes. Information concerning these records retention and disposition schedules may be obtained through the privacy policy officer listed below. Access to and Correction of personal information Collected

Confidentiality and Integrity of Personal Information

The Sage Colleges Libraries are strongly committed to protecting personal information collected through this web site against unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Consequently, the Libraries limit employee access to personal information collected to only those employees who need access to the information in the performance of their official duties. Employees who have access to this information follow appropriate procedures in connection with any disclosures of personal information.

In addition, the Libraries have implemented procedures to safeguard the integrity of their information technology assets, including, but not limited to, authentication, authorization, monitoring, auditing, and encryption. These security procedures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day operations of this web site as part of our continuing commitment to the security of electronic content as well as the electronic transmission of information.

For security purposes and to maintain the availability of the library web page for all users, the Libraries employ software to monitor traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information or otherwise damage this web site.


Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by the user’s browser on the hard drive of your computer. Cookies are simple text files stored on your computer and used by the web browser to provide a means of distinguishing among users. This web site does not use cookies.


The information provided in this privacy policy should not be construed as giving business, legal, or other advice, or warranting as fail proof, the security of information.

Contact Information

For questions regarding this Internet privacy policy, please contact our privacy officer at:

Director of Libraries, Russell Sage College, 65 First Street, Troy, NY 12180


The following definitions apply to, and appear in italics, in this policy:

personal information: For purposes of this policy, “personal information” means any information concerning a natural person which, because of name, number, symbol, mark, or other identifier, can be used to identify that natural person.

user: shall have the meaning set forth in subdivision 8 of section 202 of the Article II Internet Security and Privacy Act.


It is the policy of the Libraries that the privacy of all borrowers of library materials will be respected. The Libraries will not reveal the names of individual borrowers nor reveal what materials are, or have been, loaned to any individual.

User information is linked to charged-out materials and retained in the circulation system for a period of 90 days after each transaction has been closed. User records are retained in the circulation system for a period of 90 days after a patron has either graduated, discontinued studies or ceased employment at Russell Sage College. Reports from these records will only be used for statistical purposes.

Collection Development and Resource Management

Purchase, transfer, and related collection management requests linked to individual users or groups of users (e.g. the Art Department) are deemed confidential reader information and are not shared outside the Libraries. Names of individual requesters are attached to internal records and shared among relevant staff to facilitate notification of the Libraries’ actions and follow-through.

Contracts and Licenses for Information Resources

Consistent with their user privacy policy, the Libraries expect their information service providers to follow the same standards in the performance of the products they license, lease or sell to the Libraries. Contracts, licenses, agreements, and arrangements that the Libraries enter, shall protect the identity of individual users and the information they use.

Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery

Requesters of materials via interlibrary loan and document delivery services will receive the same protection in terms of confidentiality of their requests. In some cases, information about requests is shared with other library staff for collection development purposes; however, identifiable information remains confidential within the libraries. Documentation of requests may be retained as necessary for the Libraries to comply with reporting, copyright or other regulations.

Library Surveys/Assessment Projects

All surveys involving human specimens will require approval from the Russell Sage College Internal Review Board prior to their issuance. Information and data obtained by the Libraries or its units through surveys (group or individual interviews or other means) in support of assessment of services, collections, facilities, resources, etc., or in support of research related to library and information services, are considered confidential and will not be shared except in aggregations, to protect the privacy of individual participants.  Handwritten notes from the suggestion box will not be on display to the public since this may reveal the identity of an individual. The online suggestion box does record the email address and the source of the suggestion. If the user chooses to provide personal information embedded in the text, the personal information will not be shared with the public, nor will the identity of the individual be revealed through their email address. The Libraries’ annual report contains only statistical data that has no identifiable personal information.

Personnel Records

Official personnel records are housed in the College’s Human Resources Dept., 65 1st Street, Troy, NY 12180. Personnel records are available to employees, immediate supervisors and upper level administrators. A letter requesting review of this information must be sent to the Director of Human Resources: Director of Human Resources, Russell Sage College, 65 First Street, Troy, NY 12180.

Reference/Research Consultations

Reference and research consultation services are confidential and information about individuals using these services will not be shared outside the Libraries. Library staff will not reveal the identity of library users, the nature of their inquiries, nor the information or sources they consult. Data about reference or research consultations may be recorded for management or assessment purposes; however no data will be collected that may reveal the identity of the patron. Currently, the reference department collects only counts on reference and technical questions at various times per day.

Legislation Cited in this Document





Public Officers Law. Laws 1909, Chap. 51